The mass ratio of the first and second baskets of apples is 5:2. Take 12 kg out of the first basket and give it to the second basket. The two baskets are the same weight. How many kg are there in the first basket? The big oil bottle contains 4kg oil in one bottle, and the small oil bottle contains 1kg oil in two bottles. Now there are 60 bottles of 100kg oil. How many large and small oil bottles are there?

The mass ratio of the first and second baskets of apples is 5:2. Take 12 kg out of the first basket and give it to the second basket. The two baskets are the same weight. How many kg are there in the first basket? The big oil bottle contains 4kg oil in one bottle, and the small oil bottle contains 1kg oil in two bottles. Now there are 60 bottles of 100kg oil. How many large and small oil bottles are there?

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The mass ratio of the first and second baskets of apples is 5:2. Take 12 kg out of the first basket and give it to the second basket. The two baskets are the same weight. How many kg are there in the first basket?
There are more baskets in basket a than in basket B
12 × 2 = 24 (kg)
The original armour basket includes:
24 △ (5-2) × 5 = 40 (kg)
The big oil bottle contains 4kg oil in one bottle, and the small oil bottle contains 1kg oil in two bottles. Now there are 60 bottles of 100kg oil. How many large and small oil bottles are there?
Suppose that Ben is a big bottle, which can hold:
4 × 60 = 240 (kg)
Much more than it actually is:
240-100 = 140 (kg)
The vials are:
140 (4-1 △ 2) = 40 (pieces)
Large bottles are:
60-40 = 20