On the prime factor of prime number combination judge If a is divided by B = 10, then a must be divisible by B ——————————————————————————— Two composite numbers are coprime numbers. Their least common multiple is 120. These two numbers are () and () When the length is () cm and the width is () cm, the largest space it occupies is () cubic cm If 24 is a multiple of a and a constraint of a, then a = (), the prime factor of a is () If a is prime and B is composite, then () A.a+b B.a-b C.a+2b D.(a+2)b

On the prime factor of prime number combination judge If a is divided by B = 10, then a must be divisible by B ——————————————————————————— Two composite numbers are coprime numbers. Their least common multiple is 120. These two numbers are () and () When the length is () cm and the width is () cm, the largest space it occupies is () cubic cm If 24 is a multiple of a and a constraint of a, then a = (), the prime factor of a is () If a is prime and B is composite, then () A.a+b B.a-b C.a+2b D.(a+2)b

If a is divided by B = 10, then a must be divisible by B. two composite numbers are coprime numbers, and their least common multiple is 120. These two numbers are (5) and (24)