The basic concepts of factor, multiple, odd number, even number, prime number and composite number in primary school mathematics books It's better not to offer a reward before 21:00. If it's OK, it's better to add Even after 21:00,

The basic concepts of factor, multiple, odd number, even number, prime number and composite number in primary school mathematics books It's better not to offer a reward before 21:00. If it's OK, it's better to add Even after 21:00,

Factor: the product of which numbers a number is, and those numbers are the factors of this number. Multiple: the product of which numbers a number is, and this number is the multiple of those books. Odd: in natural numbers, numbers that are not multiples of 2 are called odd. Even: in natural numbers, numbers that are multiples of 2 are called even. Prime: a number, if only 1