A prime number and a prime number, the sum is 20, the product is 91, what are the two numbers respectively? A prime number and a composite number, the sum is 15, the product is 36, what is it

A prime number and a prime number, the sum is 20, the product is 91, what are the two numbers respectively? A prime number and a composite number, the sum is 15, the product is 36, what is it

1. 13 and 7, the product of the first question is 1,1 * 1 = 1,3 * 7 = 21,9 * 9 = 81, so the last digit of these two numbers must be one of these groups, and the known sum is 20, then one is a ten digit, and the other is a single digit, so lock the answers 13 and 7
2. It's three and twelve