A slider is ejected by a compression spring fixed at the bottom of the smooth slope. Assuming that the smooth slope is infinitely long, the slider will always slope upward evenly Fast linear motion or will it slide down after a while? Why?

A slider is ejected by a compression spring fixed at the bottom of the smooth slope. Assuming that the smooth slope is infinitely long, the slider will always slope upward evenly Fast linear motion or will it slide down after a while? Why?

No matter what the state of the object, the first step for mechanics and kinematics is always force analysis. After the slider is ejected, no matter how big its initial velocity is, because it is supported by the inclined plane and gravity, the supporting force is vertical to the direction of velocity and does not work, but the gravity is vertical downward, If the angle between the slider and the velocity direction is greater than 90 °, negative work must be done, that is, the slider has a downward acceleration along the inclined plane. No matter how large the initial velocity is, with the passage of time, the speed of the slider will certainly drop to 0, and then slide down the inclined plane
You said the premise of uniform linear motion is: the external force on the object is 0, not to see whether the contact surface is smooth