The external force on a body is a constant force, which starts to move from rest. The longer the force is applied, the longer the () A. The greater the instantaneous velocity of the object, the greater the instantaneous acceleration of the object, the more work done to the object in unit time, and the greater the instantaneous power of the force

The external force on a body is a constant force, which starts to move from rest. The longer the force is applied, the longer the () A. The greater the instantaneous velocity of the object, the greater the instantaneous acceleration of the object, the more work done to the object in unit time, and the greater the instantaneous power of the force

A. If the combined external force is a constant force, the acceleration will be constant. According to v = at, the longer the action time, the greater the velocity. So a is correct, B is wrong. C. the work done on the object in unit time represents the average power. The average power P = F.V,. V = 0 + V2, the longer the action time, the greater the average velocity