For two objects moving in a straight line, the acceleration of a is 1m / S2, and the acceleration of B is - 4m / S2 A. The acceleration of a is greater than that of B. A accelerates and B decelerates. C. the acceleration of B is greater than that of A. D. the direction of acceleration of a and B is opposite

For two objects moving in a straight line, the acceleration of a is 1m / S2, and the acceleration of B is - 4m / S2 A. The acceleration of a is greater than that of B. A accelerates and B decelerates. C. the acceleration of B is greater than that of A. D. the direction of acceleration of a and B is opposite

The acceleration of ACD and a is 1m / S2, and the acceleration of B is - 4m / S2. It can be seen that the acceleration direction of the two objects is opposite, and the acceleration of B is greater than that of A. therefore, a is wrong, C and D are correct. B. when the acceleration direction is the same as the velocity direction, accelerate, and when the acceleration direction is opposite to the velocity direction, decelerate. A does not necessarily accelerate, B does not necessarily decelerate . so B error. So select: CD