I'll hand it in tomorrow! There are 1500 bags of rice in a warehouse and 3 / 5 of them are taken away. How many bags have been taken away? How many bags are left? A barrel of oil is 10 kg, 4 / 5 of which is used. How many kg are left? Zhang Jia village has 720 pigs, and the number of sheep is 1 / 8 less than that of pigs. How many sheep did Zhang Jia village have? Zhang Jun weighs 42 kg. Li Ming weighs one seventh of Zhang Jun's weight, and Wang Hai weighs one sixth of Zhang Jun's weight. What are the weights of Li Ming and Wang Hai? Bad, I'll hand it in tomorrow!

I'll hand it in tomorrow! There are 1500 bags of rice in a warehouse and 3 / 5 of them are taken away. How many bags have been taken away? How many bags are left? A barrel of oil is 10 kg, 4 / 5 of which is used. How many kg are left? Zhang Jia village has 720 pigs, and the number of sheep is 1 / 8 less than that of pigs. How many sheep did Zhang Jia village have? Zhang Jun weighs 42 kg. Li Ming weighs one seventh of Zhang Jun's weight, and Wang Hai weighs one sixth of Zhang Jun's weight. What are the weights of Li Ming and Wang Hai? Bad, I'll hand it in tomorrow!

1. 1500 times three fifths is 900
So 900 bags were taken away and 600 bags remained
2. 10-4 / 5 = 9.8kg
3. 720 times (1-1 / 8) = 630
So the number of sheep is 630
4. 42 times (1 + 1 / 7) = 48 kg
42 times (1-1 / 6) = 35 kg
So Li Ming is 48 kg, Wang Hai is 35 kg