3 / 4 of an orchard is used to plant fruit trees, among which apple trees account for 1 / 5 of the total area, pear trees account for 1 / 6 of the total area, the rest are peach trees, and peach trees account for a few percent Please answer as soon as possible

3 / 4 of an orchard is used to plant fruit trees, among which apple trees account for 1 / 5 of the total area, pear trees account for 1 / 6 of the total area, the rest are peach trees, and peach trees account for a few percent Please answer as soon as possible

Because the common multiple of 4,5,6 is 60, the area of fruit trees in orchard is 45 / 60, apple trees 12 / 60, pear trees 10 / 60, and the rest is (45-12-10) / 60 = 23 / 60