What's the area of the ocean on earth?

What's the area of the ocean on earth?

The total area of the global ocean is about 360 million square kilometers, accounting for 71% of the total surface area. The average depth of the global ocean is about 3800 meters, and the maximum depth is 11034 meters. The volume of the global ocean is about 1.37 billion cubic kilometers, accounting for more than 97% of the total water of the earth. If the earth's crust is a smooth sphere, it will be a "water ball" whose surface is covered by more than 2600 meters of sea water
Every year, about 505000 cubic kilometers of sea water in the world's oceans are evaporated under the action of solar radiation, supplying 87.5% of the water vapor to the atmosphere. The water vapor evaporated from the oceans or land rises and condenses, and then falls on the oceans and land as rain or snow. On the land, about 47000 cubic kilometers of water is injected into rivers or seeps into the soil to form groundwater under the action of gravity, Finally, it is injected into the ocean, which forms the hydrologic cycle of the earth
Seawater is an aqueous solution containing many kinds of dissolved salts. In seawater, water accounts for about 96.5%, and the rest are mainly various dissolved salts and minerals, as well as dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the atmosphere. The average salt content of the world's oceans is about 2.5%, while the total salt content of the world's oceans is about 480 million tons, Evenly spread on the surface of the earth, it will form a layer of salt about 40 meters thick
At present, more than 80 kinds of chemical elements have been found in seawater. Apart from hydrogen and oxygen, most of the chemical elements in seawater are in ionic state, mainly including 11 kinds of chlorine, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium, bromine, carbon, strontium, boron and fluorine, which account for 99% of the total dissolved elements in seawater. The rest of the elements have little content, which is called seawater trace elements
Dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in seawater, as well as phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other nutrients are very important for the survival of marine organisms. Dissolved substances in seawater not only affect the physical and chemical characteristics of seawater, but also provide nutrients and ecological environment for marine organisms
Reference: Encyclopedia