Imaginative composition Must have content: air, blue sky, smoke, people, birds to imagine

Imaginative composition Must have content: air, blue sky, smoke, people, birds to imagine

Imagine the future composition the future universe
In 2050, we can live on any planet. My father and mother and I live on Jupiter. There are three parts: happy city, ocean Kingdom and fruit garden. We live in happy city first. Wow, the earth is a big spring bed. We jump, jump, jump, jump. It's really interesting. I go to school on spring bed. I jump to the sky, mom. "Ah" I open my mouth, As a result, when I fell down, my mouth was covered with cream, and I tasted it carefully. Hey, eat it well! It turned out that the sky was made of cake! When I came to the "family of three" paradise, my mother went to the "vegetable gate" to learn how to stir fry vegetables. When I came back to the earth, let me see the "Jupiter vegetables" my mother learned to cook. My father went to the stomatologist's gate, "because my father yelled all day, either there was pain in my mouth or there was itching, Now, I don't have to cover my ears any more to listen to his nagging. I entered the "sea of books". What's the sea of books? It's the sea of books. I can sit there all day and read books, but I can't finish reading them, because when you finish reading a book, the robot will bring ten new books. We just lived in happy city for two years. Then we came to ocean country, wow, strange, A shrimp soldier said: "welcome to my country!" he gave us a bunch of mussel pearls and left. We fixed our eyes on them. What a big Pearl! I was silly and yelled: "Di Di Di Di Di Di." at this time, gongs and drums, firecrackers sounded, and the Dragon king was summoned, followed by the three princesses. Then we came to the fruit garden, wow, Fruit house is magnificent! Fruit people invite us to live in "fruit villa". It's so beautiful there, banana sofa, apple table, watermelon rocking chair, pomegranate lamp! The vegetables in the fruit garden are more colorful. The vegetables we often eat there are fruit grimace, fruit tonic body, and so on. I can't say it all in one breath! There are also fruit toys, The most interesting things are the pomegranate ladder and banana slide. If you are tired of climbing the ladder, just answer one question and you can eat a little pomegranate. If you want to slide more times, just use a little bit of strength and wait until the end of the slide
Answer supplement
I came to the world 20 years later. Ah! When I came here, what I saw was a beautiful picture: pavilions, rockeries and rocks, reflected in the green pines and cypresses; flower beds, bonsai, vines and bamboos, dotted in them. I really don't believe that all this is still human? It's heaven
Then, I went to a high-tech company. It's so grand and magnificent here! On the purple and red pillars around are carved noble dragons and phoenixes, which are lifelike, as if they are dancing happily. When I look up, the golden glazed tiles are shining in the sun. When I look at the staff, they are actually several robots. Oh, it turns out that the staff adjusted the robots and made them work according to the procedures, And the real workers only need to observe their actions nearby. When I look carefully, the robots are conducting an experiment. They can hear the sound they want to hear with a tiny thing in their ears
Finally, I came to the park. In the golden sun, the park looks more colorful, elegant and pleasant. In the park, there are many strange stones and secluded paths The beautiful scenery, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers make the whole park look like a fairyland
OK, let's "travel" here
I went back to 20 years ago by time plane, which made me feel uncomfortable. However, I believe that in the near future, all that will come true