A cylindrical part with a bottom radius of 4 decimeters and a height of 6 decimeters is fused into a conical part with a bottom diameter of 4 decimeters. How many decimeters is the height of the conical part?

A cylindrical part with a bottom radius of 4 decimeters and a height of 6 decimeters is fused into a conical part with a bottom diameter of 4 decimeters. How many decimeters is the height of the conical part?

3.14 × 42 × 6 × 3 ^ [3.14 × (4 ^) 2], = 3.14 × 288 ^ [3.14 × 4], = 288 ^ 4, = 72 (decimeter); answer: the height of conical part is 72 decimeter