The volume of a 282.6 cubic centimeter iron block is fused into a 9cm high cone-shaped machine part. How much is the bottom area of the cone-shaped part? A cylinder with a radius of 4cm and a height of 10cm is remelted into a cone with a radius of 2cm. What is its height? Answer in 20 minutes

The volume of a 282.6 cubic centimeter iron block is fused into a 9cm high cone-shaped machine part. How much is the bottom area of the cone-shaped part? A cylinder with a radius of 4cm and a height of 10cm is remelted into a cone with a radius of 2cm. What is its height? Answer in 20 minutes

The volume of a 282.6 cubic centimeter iron block is fused into a 9cm high conical machine parts, how much is the bottom area of the conical parts? 282.6 × 3 △ 9 = 847.8 △ 9 = 94.2 (square centimeter) a cylinder with a bottom radius of 4cm and a height of 10cm is remelted into a cone with a bottom radius of 2cm