English translation  

English translation  

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&The bus driver and passengers saved an old man
At 9 o'clock yesterday morning, when bus No.26 was driving on Zhonghua Road, the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road, and a woman was crying for help
Wang Ping, a 24-year-old driver, stopped immediately and asked the lady what had happened. She said that the old man had a heart disease and should go to the hospital for treatment. Wang knew that he had to take action immediately. He told the passengers that he had to take the old man to the hospital and hoped that most or all of them would get out of the car and sit in a car, Everyone agreed to follow the driver. Some passengers even helped driver Wang carry the old man into the bus
Thanks to the help of the driver and passengers, the doctor treated the old man in time. A passenger said: "it is said that many people stood by because they were afraid of getting into trouble. But the driver did not consider his own interests at that time, but only wanted to save a life."