In the data processing of chemical experiments, under what circumstances are two decimal places and four decimal places reserved?

In the data processing of chemical experiments, under what circumstances are two decimal places and four decimal places reserved?

Generally speaking, if the mass of tray balance and liquid of measuring cylinder are kept to one decimal place
The volume measured by burette shall be reserved for 2 decimal places,
Here you remember a rule. If it is measured by the instrument, you should pay attention to the measuring range of the instrument, and then estimate one digit on the basis of the measuring range
You should pay more attention to the others. If there are the same physical quantities in the questions, you can summarize their situation. If they keep several digits, you can keep several digits
In addition, about the concentration in acid-base neutralization titration, we usually keep 4 significant figures. What is the significant figure? 0.1000 and 1.000 are 4 significant figures