There are eight numbers in a row, and their average is 9.3. It is known that the first five numbers are 10.5, and the average of the last four numbers is 11.3? Come on. I'm going to class tomorrow Er There should be a process Come on I need it urgently

There are eight numbers in a row, and their average is 9.3. It is known that the first five numbers are 10.5, and the average of the last four numbers is 11.3? Come on. I'm going to class tomorrow Er There should be a process Come on I need it urgently

The sum of the first five numbers is 10.5 × 5 = 7 = 52.5, and the sum of the last four numbers is 11.3 × 4 = 45.2
The sum of 8 numbers is 9.3 × 8 = 74.4
The sum of the first five numbers + the sum of the last four numbers - the sum of eight numbers = the fifth number