Among all integers whose absolute value is less than 100, the suspicious numbers written as the square of integers are () a.18 B: 19 C: 10 d: 9 The 101st power of 0.125 × the 102nd power of 8 =?

Among all integers whose absolute value is less than 100, the suspicious numbers written as the square of integers are () a.18 B: 19 C: 10 d: 9 The 101st power of 0.125 × the 102nd power of 8 =?

C. "All integers with absolute value less than 100" is an integer from - 99 to 99. All numbers that are not integers and are not in the range can be removed, leaving 199 numbers. The square of any number is non negative, so 99 numbers smaller than 0 can be removed, leaving 100 numbers. The square of 0 is 0, 1 is 1, 2 is 4, 3 is 9, 4 is 16 9 is 81, 10 is 100, which does not meet the requirements. So only the 10 numbers 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81 meet the requirements?