It is known that the ellipse and hyperbola have the same focus, and the two curves intersect at P, Pf1 and are perpendicular to PF2. Ask the relationship between the two eccentricities (expressed by E1 and E2 respectively) It is known that the ellipse and hyperbola have the same focus F1 and F2, and the two curves intersect at P, Pf1 is perpendicular to PF2. Ask the relationship between the eccentricity of the two curves (expressed by E1 and E2 respectively)

It is known that the ellipse and hyperbola have the same focus, and the two curves intersect at P, Pf1 and are perpendicular to PF2. Ask the relationship between the two eccentricities (expressed by E1 and E2 respectively) It is known that the ellipse and hyperbola have the same focus F1 and F2, and the two curves intersect at P, Pf1 is perpendicular to PF2. Ask the relationship between the eccentricity of the two curves (expressed by E1 and E2 respectively)

Using focal radius