My grandfather said to Xiaoming, "I'm seven times your age now, six times your age in a few years, five times, four times, three times and two times your age in a few years." do you know my grandfather's and Xiaoming's age now? Pay attention to the specific methods! Thank you, please help me! I will increase the reward score ~ \ (≥ ▽≤) /! What I want is a concrete process, not an answer

My grandfather said to Xiaoming, "I'm seven times your age now, six times your age in a few years, five times, four times, three times and two times your age in a few years." do you know my grandfather's and Xiaoming's age now? Pay attention to the specific methods! Thank you, please help me! I will increase the reward score ~ \ (≥ ▽≤) /! What I want is a concrete process, not an answer

Grandfather x years old, grandson y years old, after a few years for a, B, C
x=7y x+a=6(y+a) x+b=(y+b).
We get: y = 5a, y = 2B, y = C
So y must be a multiple of 2.5: 10.20.30
Considering the actual situation, 10 is more in line with the meaning of the question
Then the age of the two should grow as follows:
70 10 7 times
72 12 6 times
75 15 5 times
80 20 4 times
90 30 3 times
120 60 2x
Therefore, the difference is 60. This year, my grandfather is seven times as much as Xiao Ming. Therefore, my grandfather is 70 and Xiao Ming is 10
Two years later, grandfather 72, Xiao Ming 12, five years later, grandfather 75, Xiao Ming 15, ten years later, grandfather 80, Xiao Ming 20, twenty years later, grandfather 90, Xiao Ming 30, fifty years later, grandfather 120, Xiao Ming 60