Ask some questions about multiplication and division of integers, 1. Compare the power of 2 to the power of 100 with that of 3 to the power of 75? 2. Solve the equation: X (2x-5) - x (x + 2) = the square of X-6 3. Given that the N + 1 power of a is multiplied by the M + n power of a = the 6th power of a, and m-2n = 1, find the value of the n power of M 4. Given the square of AB = 6, find the value of AB (the second power of a multiplied by the fifth power of B - the third power of ab - b) 5. Given that x = - 5, y = one fifth, find the value of the square of X multiplied by the 2nth power of X multiplied by the square of (n + 1 power of Y) (n is a natural number) 6. Simplify first and then evaluate; X (square of x-6x-9) - x (square of x-8x-15) + 2x (3-x), where x = one sixth 7. Calculation: (1) The square of 2A multiplied by the third power of B (the square of 3AB - quarter ABC) (2) The cubic power of - x multiplied by the square of - x + the cubic power of 3x multiplied by the square of - X - 4 (- x) multiplied by the fourth power of - x (3) (3x squared + Half y minus two-thirds y squared) times (- half XY) to the third power I hope to write the steps in detail Because I don't know these basic questions,

Ask some questions about multiplication and division of integers, 1. Compare the power of 2 to the power of 100 with that of 3 to the power of 75? 2. Solve the equation: X (2x-5) - x (x + 2) = the square of X-6 3. Given that the N + 1 power of a is multiplied by the M + n power of a = the 6th power of a, and m-2n = 1, find the value of the n power of M 4. Given the square of AB = 6, find the value of AB (the second power of a multiplied by the fifth power of B - the third power of ab - b) 5. Given that x = - 5, y = one fifth, find the value of the square of X multiplied by the 2nth power of X multiplied by the square of (n + 1 power of Y) (n is a natural number) 6. Simplify first and then evaluate; X (square of x-6x-9) - x (square of x-8x-15) + 2x (3-x), where x = one sixth 7. Calculation: (1) The square of 2A multiplied by the third power of B (the square of 3AB - quarter ABC) (2) The cubic power of - x multiplied by the square of - x + the cubic power of 3x multiplied by the square of - X - 4 (- x) multiplied by the fourth power of - x (3) (3x squared + Half y minus two-thirds y squared) times (- half XY) to the third power I hope to write the steps in detail Because I don't know these basic questions,

3. According to the meaning of the problem, we get n + 1 + m + n = 6, so 2n + M = 5, so we get the solution of the system of equations {2n + M = 5 and m-2n = 1, n = 1, M = 3