If the function f (x) = {(2b-1) x + B-1, x > 0, is an increasing function on R, then the value range of function B is {- X & # 178; + (2-B) x, X ≤ 0 According to the meaning of the title {2b-1 > 2, ﹛2-b>0 ﹛b-1≥f(0), How do these three inequalities come from?

If the function f (x) = {(2b-1) x + B-1, x > 0, is an increasing function on R, then the value range of function B is {- X & # 178; + (2-B) x, X ≤ 0 According to the meaning of the title {2b-1 > 2, ﹛2-b>0 ﹛b-1≥f(0), How do these three inequalities come from?

If the function f (x) = {(2b-1) x + B-1, x > 0, is an increasing function on R, then the value range of function B is {- X & # 178; + (2-B) x, X ≤ 0
According to the meaning of the title {2b-1 > 2,
How do these three inequalities come from?
Analysis: ∵ piecewise function:
It is an increasing function on R
When x > 0, f (x) = (2b-1) x + B-1, it will increase monotonically as long as the slope of the line is 2b-1 > 0;
When x0 = > 2-B > 0;
And ∵ is an increasing function on R
When x > 0, the intersection of F (x) = (2b-1) x + B-1 and y-axis is B-1, when x = f (0) = 0