There are two numbers that are coprime numbers and composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are () A. 9 and 10B. 2 and 45C. 6 and 15d. 5 and 18

There are two numbers that are coprime numbers and composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are () A. 9 and 10B. 2 and 45C. 6 and 15d. 5 and 18

A. 9 and 10, these two numbers are compound numbers and coprime numbers, and their least common multiple is 90; B, 2 and 45, 2 are prime numbers and 45 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; C, 6 and 15 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; d.5 and 18, 5 are prime numbers, which do not meet the requirements; therefore, a