It is known that positive integers a and B satisfy that the square of a minus the square of B is equal to 15 And the square of 20092009 minus 20092008 times 20092010 A. B two kinds of commodity price is a yuan, due to market reasons, a commodity price first increase M%, and then increase the price - N% for sale, sold 100 pieces; B commodity price first decrease M%, and then reduce the price - N% for sale, also sold 100 pieces (where M, n are positive integers). If their purchase price each piece is B yuan, which one of the two kinds of commodity sales a, B profit?

It is known that positive integers a and B satisfy that the square of a minus the square of B is equal to 15 And the square of 20092009 minus 20092008 times 20092010 A. B two kinds of commodity price is a yuan, due to market reasons, a commodity price first increase M%, and then increase the price - N% for sale, sold 100 pieces; B commodity price first decrease M%, and then reduce the price - N% for sale, also sold 100 pieces (where M, n are positive integers). If their purchase price each piece is B yuan, which one of the two kinds of commodity sales a, B profit?

It is known that positive integers a and B satisfy that the square of a minus the square of B is equal to 15
Because it's a positive integer
So a + B = 5
We get a = 4, B = 1
And the square of 20092009 minus 20092008 times 20092010
You square all the * s
A. B two kinds of commodity price is a yuan, due to market reasons, a commodity price first increase M%, and then increase the price - N% for sale, sold 100 pieces; B commodity price first decrease M%, and then reduce the price - N% for sale, also sold 100 pieces (where M, n are positive integers). If their purchase price each piece is B yuan, which one of the two kinds of commodity sales a, B profit?
A's profit: [a * (1 + M%) (1-N%) - b] * 100
B's profit: [a * (1-m%) (1-N%) - b] * 100
The positive number of a's profit minus B's profit is big a, and the negative number is big B