calculation -The cubic power of 2A (the cubic power of B) & # 178; the cubic power of X (- 2A & # 178; B & # 178;) The third power of (3x10 & # 178;) is the fourth power of X (- the third power of 10) The third power of (3a & # 178;) the fourth power of xb-3 (AB & # 178;) &# 178; the fourth power of XA

calculation -The cubic power of 2A (the cubic power of B) & # 178; the cubic power of X (- 2A & # 178; B & # 178;) The third power of (3x10 & # 178;) is the fourth power of X (- the third power of 10) The third power of (3a & # 178;) the fourth power of xb-3 (AB & # 178;) &# 178; the fourth power of XA

So 5 ^ 50 > 24 ^ 25