[31 + (10.4-2.4) x2.215] △ 2.5 =? One and a half [(2.25 + four and a sixth) x 77] minus one and a thirteenth =?

[31 + (10.4-2.4) x2.215] △ 2.5 =? One and a half [(2.25 + four and a sixth) x 77] minus one and a thirteenth =?

[31 + (10.4-2.4) x2.215] / 2.5 = [31 + 8 × 2.215] / 2.5 = [31 + 17.72] / 2.5 = 48.72 / 2.5 = 19.488 one and a half [(2.25 + four and a sixth) x 77%] minus one and a thirteen percent = 2:3 × [(4:9 + 6:25) × 77%] - 13:14 = 2:3 × 3:25-13