Three times of a number divided by 5, quotient 4, remainder 4, find the number. The following equation is correct 1:3X÷5=4······4 2:(3X-4)÷5=4 The key question I want to ask is, if not, why not? There is a senior answer I see, in Baidu Hi inside, but this inside can't see, so sorry

Three times of a number divided by 5, quotient 4, remainder 4, find the number. The following equation is correct 1:3X÷5=4······4 2:(3X-4)÷5=4 The key question I want to ask is, if not, why not? There is a senior answer I see, in Baidu Hi inside, but this inside can't see, so sorry

The second is that there is no first way to express the equation