Which God simply explained the "sound value combination method", thank you

Which God simply explained the "sound value combination method", thank you

Sound value combination method
Note value combination method: in order to recognize the music score, the notes are divided into groups according to the structural characteristics of the beat. 1. A beat is used as the unit to combine the notes. Several beats in each bar are divided into several groups, and each group is connected with a fixed suffix. 2. When the notes are not enough for the unit beat, the adjacent notes are used to supplement the unit beat. When the notes are larger than the unit beat, the unit beat is replaced by the adjacent notes, Generally speaking, the combination of sound value only needs to separate the notes or groups according to the requirements of the time sign, but the principle of simplification should be adopted as far as possible, 5. In the following four cases, the unit beats do not need to be separated from each other. ① include the whole measure's sound value, and write it with one note. (only limited to single beat and multiple beat) ② syncopate rhythm; ③ the notes occupying two beat time values in three beats do not need to be separated, It can be combined according to two beats. (note only, rest can't be used) 4. Punctuation rhythm and front complex punctuation. (back complex punctuation can't be used) 6. Sound value combination method of rest: 1. Because rest can't draw line, the separated rest only needs to be written adjacent to each other, and the adjacent rest units must be merged within the beat, (2) the rest can not exist in the form of segmentation. (3) it can only be used in the form of preceding punctuation. (4) there can be a rest in the hyphen, but the rest (itself) can not be written in the form of hyphenation. (5) the rest of the whole bar except 4 / 2 3 / 1 2 / 1 beat, (6) when there is a stop in a group, it is only allowed to connect the end of the first line of the note at both ends of the stop together, break it with the end of the second line, and wrap the stop in it. (7) the combination method of continuous tone: the whole bar, one unit beat and half unit beat can use continuous tone, 8. When the sound group is complex, that is, when there are three or more endings, the first endings are still connected together to represent a main sound group. From the second endings, a sub sound group (subsidiary sound group) is set up according to half of the unit beat. 9. When the time value of the unit beat is less than a quarter note, the first endings are still connected together to represent a main sound group, Single beat is allowed to be represented by a tone group, that is, the first tail of the first line is allowed to be connected together in the whole section, and the sub tone group is set up according to half a unit beat from the second tail. 10. The combination method of multiple beat or mixed beat: ① the single beats that make up the multiple beat should be obviously separated from each other, and each single beat should still be combined according to the sound value combination method of the single beat. ② it is the same as the single beat, The time value of the whole bar can be represented by one note, and the time value of the whole bar can be represented by a line if it can not be represented by one note. 11. The basis for judging the weak start is as follows: (1) generally speaking, the principle of "long strong short weak" should be followed in combination, and the phenomenon that the strong beat is shorter than the weak beat is allowed occasionally, (2) when the consonant cannot be used in the whole measure, the time sign must be written at the beginning and the ending line must be written at the end