Seek all physics junior high school stage electricity, the force formula ~ all! RT, I'm sorry, I don't have any points at the moment

Seek all physics junior high school stage electricity, the force formula ~ all! RT, I'm sorry, I don't have any points at the moment

Junior high school physics formula compilation
[mechanics part]
1. Speed: v = s / T
2. Gravity: g = mg
3. Density: ρ = m / V
4. Pressure: P = f / S
5. Liquid pressure: P = ρ GH
6. Buoyancy:
(1) F floating = f '- f (pressure difference)
(2) F = G-F (weighing method)
(3) , f floating = g (floating, floating)
(4) Archimedes principle: F floating = g row = ρ liquid GV row
7. Lever balance condition: F1 L1 = F2 L2
8. Ideal slope: F / g = H / L
9. Ideal pulley: F = g / n
10. Actual pulley: F = (G + G dynamic) / N (vertical direction) f = f / N (horizontal pull) (F is the friction between the object and the ground)
11. Work: w = FS = GH
12. Power: P = w / T = FV
13. Principle of work: W hand = w machine
14. Actual machine: wtotal = w + W extra
15. Mechanical efficiency: η = w / W
16. Pulley block efficiency:
(1) , η = g / NF (vertical direction)
(2) , η = g / (G + G) (vertical direction without friction)
(3) , η = f / NF (horizontal direction)
[thermal part]
1. Endothermic: q = cm (t-t0) = cm Δ t
2. Exothermic: q = cm (t0-t) = cm Δ t
3. Calorific value: q = q / M
4. Efficiency of furnace and heat engine: η = q efficient utilization / Q fuel
5. Heat balance equation: Q discharge = q suction
[electrical part]
1. Current intensity: I = q electric quantity / T
2. Ohm's Law: I = u / R
3. Joule's Law:
(1) , q = i2rt (universal formula)
(2) , q = uit = Pt = UQ, electric quantity = u2t / R (pure resistance formula)
5. Series circuit:
(4) U1 / U2 = R1 / R2 (partial pressure formula)
6. Parallel circuit:
(3)、1/R=1/R1+1/R2 [ R=R1R2/(R1+R2)]
(4) I1 / I2 = R2 / R1 (shunt formula)
7 constant resistance:
8 electric power:
(1) , w = uit = Pt = UQ (universal formula)
(2) W = i2rt = u2t / R (pure resistance formula)
9 electric power:
(1) , P = w / T = UI (universal formula)
(2) , P = I2R = U2 / R (pure resistance formula)