What is the unit of "ω" in the formula of alternating current e = NBS ω sin ω t? Is the unit of "ω" rad / S? Then why do some students say that they have to multiply it by a 2 π when doing the problem? For example: ω = 200 rad / s, do they need to change it into ω = 400 π rad / s when doing the problem?

What is the unit of "ω" in the formula of alternating current e = NBS ω sin ω t? Is the unit of "ω" rad / S? Then why do some students say that they have to multiply it by a 2 π when doing the problem? For example: ω = 200 rad / s, do they need to change it into ω = 400 π rad / s when doing the problem?

It's rad / s
So it can be directly substituted into 200 rad / s