For the formula g = mg, G is proportional to () G is gravity, g = 9.8n/kg, M is mass

For the formula g = mg, G is proportional to () G is gravity, g = 9.8n/kg, M is mass

It is directly proportional to m, that is, mass, because at the same position of the same planet, the acceleration of gravity g is constant. Even if the position changes, as long as it is on the surface of the same planet, the change of G is very small and generally ignored. Since G is a constant, the formula can be written as g = GM, which is the same as y = ax. They are all positive proportion functions, y is directly proportional to x, and G is directly proportional to M, The gravity of an object is only related to its mass. The greater the mass of an object is, the greater the gravity is. It has nothing to do with other factors