How to find the answers to the limit questions of higher numbers! 1 limln(1-2x)/sinx =-2 x→0 2 limln(x+1)/x =1 x→0- Solving the process of trouble to write a little more specific ha... Thank you very much ah What is t? Can you be more specific·

How to find the answers to the limit questions of higher numbers! 1 limln(1-2x)/sinx =-2 x→0 2 limln(x+1)/x =1 x→0- Solving the process of trouble to write a little more specific ha... Thank you very much ah What is t? Can you be more specific·

The upper is 1 / (1-2x) * (- 2), substituting x-0 to get - 2. Question 2: after derivation, the upper is 1 / (x + 1), the lower is 1, and when x tends to 0 - the upper becomes 1, so the last is 1