How to prove that even palindrome numbers can be divisible by 11? For example, 222442123321, the palindrome number of even digits can be divided by 11,

How to prove that even palindrome numbers can be divisible by 11? For example, 222442123321, the palindrome number of even digits can be divided by 11,

Let's first give the general form: an... A2a1a1a2... An. Then we can rewrite it (pairing the head and tail in turn): an... A2a1a1a2... An = an * (10 ^ (2n-1) + 1) +... + A2 * (10 ^ (2 * 2-1) + 1) * 10 ^ (n-2) + A1 * (10 ^ (2 * 1-1) + 1) * 10 ^ (n-1). We can see that every term of the sum has a factor of 10 ^ (2k-1) +