What is the volume of a cubic alcohol with a mass of 100g and a density of 0.8x10? 2. The mass of a metal material is 675g, and the volume is 250cm. Calculate the density of the material? If the metal is used to process a water mass of 810g

What is the volume of a cubic alcohol with a mass of 100g and a density of 0.8x10? 2. The mass of a metal material is 675g, and the volume is 250cm. Calculate the density of the material? If the metal is used to process a water mass of 810g

1. ρ = m / V ρ alcohol = 0.8g/cm3
2. ρ metal = m / v = 675 / 250 = 2.5g/cm3
Volume: v = m / ρ metal = 810 / 2.5 = 324cm3