The density of 0.6 * 10 negative cubic kilogram per cubic meter, the volume of 125 square centimeters of wood block into salt water, the buoyancy received by the wood block is__ The density of brine is_____ .

The density of 0.6 * 10 negative cubic kilogram per cubic meter, the volume of 125 square centimeters of wood block into salt water, the buoyancy received by the wood block is__ The density of brine is_____ .

Because the wood is floating in salt water, the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the wood, f = g = mg = ρ VG = 0.6x10 ^ 3x125x10 ^ - 6 * 9.8 = 0.735n
Then, according to f = ρ SHG, the immersion depth h of the block in water is calculated,
What's more, is your 125 area or volume?