Then, the wastewater from a cuboid wastewater tank with a length of 2 × 10 & # 179; DM, a width of 4 × 10 & # 178; DM and a height of 80dm is injected into a cube reservoir. It is known that the edge length of the cube reservoir is 5x10 & # 178; DM. Can these wastewater be injected into the reservoir for purification at one time? Explain the reason

Then, the wastewater from a cuboid wastewater tank with a length of 2 × 10 & # 179; DM, a width of 4 × 10 & # 178; DM and a height of 80dm is injected into a cube reservoir. It is known that the edge length of the cube reservoir is 5x10 & # 178; DM. Can these wastewater be injected into the reservoir for purification at one time? Explain the reason

The volume of cuboid waste water tank = (2x10 & # 179;) x (4x10 & # 178;) x (80) = (2x10 & # 179;) x (4x10 & # 178;) x (8x10) = (2x4x8) X10 ^ 6 = 64x10 ^ 6, the volume of cuboid waste water tank = (5x10 & # 178;) &# 179; = 125x10 ^ 6, because the volume of cuboid waste water tank is larger than that of cuboid waste water tank