Absolute value and simple calculation Find the absolute values of the following numbers: (1) Three times root number - 8, (2) root number 17, (3) root number 2 / - 3, (4) root number 3-1.7, (5) 1.4-root number 2 Calculation: accurate to 0.01 (1) Radical 5-radical 3 + 0.145 (2) Cubic radical 6 - (PI) - radical 2 (3) Radical 10 + 2.23 - (PI) (4) (- 4) x root 7 + 2 and root 6 (the result retains three significant digits) If you answer 3 and 4 of the calculation questions correctly, there will be additional points

Absolute value and simple calculation Find the absolute values of the following numbers: (1) Three times root number - 8, (2) root number 17, (3) root number 2 / - 3, (4) root number 3-1.7, (5) 1.4-root number 2 Calculation: accurate to 0.01 (1) Radical 5-radical 3 + 0.145 (2) Cubic radical 6 - (PI) - radical 2 (3) Radical 10 + 2.23 - (PI) (4) (- 4) x root 7 + 2 and root 6 (the result retains three significant digits) If you answer 3 and 4 of the calculation questions correctly, there will be additional points

∣ triple root - 8 ∣
(3)∣(√2)/-3∣= (√2)/3
Calculation: accurate to 0.01
(1) Radical 5-radical 3 + 0.145
(2) Cubic radical 6 - (PI) - radical 2
(3) Radical 10 + 2.23 - (PI)
(4) (- 4) x √ 7 + 2 √ 6 (the results retain three significant numbers)