The following numbers are expressed by scientific notation: 0.000 000 09 cm, 0.000 000 2 cm The weight of one pill is about 0.156 G

The following numbers are expressed by scientific notation: 0.000 000 09 cm, 0.000 000 2 cm The weight of one pill is about 0.156 G

The following numbers are represented by scientific notation:
0.000 000 09 ㎝=9*10^-8 ㎝
0.000 000 2 ㎝=2*10^-7㎝
0.001 293 g∕㎝³=1.293*10^-3g∕㎝³
The mass of one pill is about 0.156 G
=The mass of one pill is about 1.56 * 10 ^ - 1g