If a person's heart rate is 75 beats per minute and 80 ml of blood is delivered per beat, his blood pressure (which can be regarded as the average pressure of blood delivered by the heart) is 1.5 × 104 PA, based on which the average power P of the person's heart beating work can be estimated=______ W. One hour's work of this person's heart is equivalent to lifting a 1kg object high______ m.

If a person's heart rate is 75 beats per minute and 80 ml of blood is delivered per beat, his blood pressure (which can be regarded as the average pressure of blood delivered by the heart) is 1.5 × 104 PA, based on which the average power P of the person's heart beating work can be estimated=______ W. One hour's work of this person's heart is equivalent to lifting a 1kg object high______ m.

(1) ∵ w = FL = PS × L = P △ V, work per beat: w = P △ v = 1.5 × 104pa × 80 × 10-6m3 = 1.2J, ∵ power: P = wt = 1.2j60s75 = 1.5W