Observe the table of points, if a team wins m games, find the relationship between the total points and the number of wins Team name, match, score Bayi Shuanglu 22 18 4 40 Beijing.. 22 14 8 36 Guangdong 22 12 10 34 Avant Garde Jiangsu.. 22 10 12 32 Zhejiang, 22 7 15 29 Double star.. 22 6 16 28 Card clothing A city's mobile communication company has set up two kinds of services: the user of "global link" first pays 50 yuan of monthly basic fee, and then pays 0.2 yuan of telephone fee for each minute of the call; the user of "Shenzhouxing" does not pay the monthly basic fee, and pays 0.4 yuan of telephone fee for each minute of the call (both referring to the city telephone). If you talk for X minutes in a month, the cost of the two methods is Y1 yuan and Y2 yuan respectively. (1) Write the relation between Y1, Y2 and X (that is, the equation) (2) How many minutes to talk in a month, and the cost of the two methods is the same? (3) If someone expects to spend 120 yuan in a month, which call mode should he choose?

Observe the table of points, if a team wins m games, find the relationship between the total points and the number of wins Team name, match, score Bayi Shuanglu 22 18 4 40 Beijing.. 22 14 8 36 Guangdong 22 12 10 34 Avant Garde Jiangsu.. 22 10 12 32 Zhejiang, 22 7 15 29 Double star.. 22 6 16 28 Card clothing A city's mobile communication company has set up two kinds of services: the user of "global link" first pays 50 yuan of monthly basic fee, and then pays 0.2 yuan of telephone fee for each minute of the call; the user of "Shenzhouxing" does not pay the monthly basic fee, and pays 0.4 yuan of telephone fee for each minute of the call (both referring to the city telephone). If you talk for X minutes in a month, the cost of the two methods is Y1 yuan and Y2 yuan respectively. (1) Write the relation between Y1, Y2 and X (that is, the equation) (2) How many minutes to talk in a month, and the cost of the two methods is the same? (3) If someone expects to spend 120 yuan in a month, which call mode should he choose?

1. First of all, you can know that the number of all matches is 22. If you look at the last team, 22 all lost points is 22 points, you can know that one negative game is 1 point. Then you can look for another team, such as Guangdong team, you can know that Guangdong team lost 10 games, and the score is 10, so the score of his winning 12 games is 34-10 = 24 points, So the score of a team winning M field is m * 2 + (22-m) = m + 22
(2) That is, Y1 = Y2,
That is 50 + 0.2x = 0.4x
(3) In the case of GLOBCOM, 50 + 0.2x = 120, x = 350
If China travel, 0.4x = 120, x = 300
Therefore, the call time of GLOBCOM is relatively long and cost-effective