The task of 576 trees was assigned to each class according to the number of three classes in Grade 6. There were 47 students in class 6.1, 48 students in class 6.2 and 49 students in class 6.3,

The task of 576 trees was assigned to each class according to the number of three classes in Grade 6. There were 47 students in class 6.1, 48 students in class 6.2 and 49 students in class 6.3,

There are altogether 144 students in the three classes (47 + 48 + 49)
Set X, y and Z trees in class 1, 2 and 3, 144 ∶ 576 = 47 ∶ x, x = 188 (trees)
144 ∶ 576 = 48 ∶ y = 192 (trees)
144 ∶ 576 = 49 ∶ z = 196 (trees)