What are the three digits randomly combined with 0-9, and each digit can be repeated For example, 123.321.524.163 If the number of hundred can be zero, what are the specific numbers? Give a calculation method or software

What are the three digits randomly combined with 0-9, and each digit can be repeated For example, 123.321.524.163 If the number of hundred can be zero, what are the specific numbers? Give a calculation method or software

1、 Repeat numbers are allowed, such as 122666, etc
There are 9 ways to choose the hundred, 10 ways to choose the ten, and 10 ways to choose the single,
Total 9 * 10 * 10 = 900
2、 Duplicate numbers are not allowed
There are nine ways to take the hundred, nine ways to take the ten, and eight ways to take the single,
Total 9 * 9 * 8 = 648
If the number of hundreds can be zero and repeated, it is
There are 10 ways to choose the number of hundreds, 10 ways to choose the number of tens, and 10 ways to choose the number of tens
Total 10 * 10 * 10 = 1000