To calculate the cubic power of 2 * [(- 3) * 4 / 2], we should first calculate (), then calculate (). When calculating the formula in brackets, we should first calculate (), then calculate (), the most The third power of 2 * [(- 3) * 4 / 2] should be calculated first (), then (). The formula in brackets should be calculated first (), then (), and finally (). (fill in the blanks)

To calculate the cubic power of 2 * [(- 3) * 4 / 2], we should first calculate (), then calculate (). When calculating the formula in brackets, we should first calculate (), then calculate (), the most The third power of 2 * [(- 3) * 4 / 2] should be calculated first (), then (). The formula in brackets should be calculated first (), then (), and finally (). (fill in the blanks)

To calculate the third power of 2 * [(- 3) * 4 / 2], we should first calculate (power), then calculate (multiplication). When calculating the formula in brackets, we should first calculate (multiplication), then calculate (Division), and finally calculate (multiplication with the outside)