Yao Ming is 229cm in height and 140kg in weight. The average density of his wax figure is 0.9 times 10 times 3 kg / m3. The density of human body is about equal to that of water Please, what's the quality of Yao Ming's wax figure?

Yao Ming is 229cm in height and 140kg in weight. The average density of his wax figure is 0.9 times 10 times 3 kg / m3. The density of human body is about equal to that of water Please, what's the quality of Yao Ming's wax figure?

Yao Ming's volume: v = m person, ρ person = 140kg1.0 × 103kg / m3 = 0.14m3,
The mass of wax figure: m wax = ρ wax, v = 0.9 × 103kg / m3 × 0.14m3 = 126kg
A: the weight of Yao Ming's wax figure is about 126kg