The spaceship flies at the speed of 200000 km. People send a beam of light on the spaceship. The light travels at the speed of light C in the spaceship. What is the speed of light measured by people on earth

The spaceship flies at the speed of 200000 km. People send a beam of light on the spaceship. The light travels at the speed of light C in the spaceship. What is the speed of light measured by people on earth

The speed of light measured by the earth people is still C. the speed of the spaceship has no effect on the speed of light. For example, if you take a flashlight and turn it on in motion, it will spread to the opposite object first. But this is not because the speed of light is faster, but because the distance from the opposite object is closer when you move
You would say that if I take a stone and throw it out in motion, it will be faster than when it is still. This does exist, but the quality of light can be ignored, and the speed of light has reached the speed limit recognized by human beings, so it will not be faster because it is sent out from the spaceship