11 × 29 = 20 square-9 square, 12 × 28 = 20 square-8 square, 13 × 27 = 20 square-7 square ····· 20 × 20 = 20 flat If n products are represented by A1B1, a2b2 ······ anbn, where a1, A2 ······ an, B1 ······ BN are positive numbers, please guess a general conclusion according to the order of products in (1)

11 × 29 = 20 square-9 square, 12 × 28 = 20 square-8 square, 13 × 27 = 20 square-7 square ····· 20 × 20 = 20 flat If n products are represented by A1B1, a2b2 ······ anbn, where a1, A2 ······ an, B1 ······ BN are positive numbers, please guess a general conclusion according to the order of products in (1)

If the sum of two numbers is constant, the smaller the difference between the two numbers is, the greater their product is