What is the formula for calculating the surface area and volume of a cylinder?

What is the formula for calculating the surface area and volume of a cylinder?

Circumference of rectangle = (length + width) × 2
Perimeter of square = side length × 4
Area of rectangle = length × width
Area of a square = side length × side length
Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2
Area of parallelogram = base × height
Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2
Diameter = radius × 2 radius = diameter △ 2
Circumference of circle = circumference × diameter=
Circumference × radius × 2
Area of circle = circumference × radius × radius
The surface area of a cuboid=
(L × W + L × H + W × h) × 2
Cuboid volume = length × width × height
The surface area of cube is edge length × edge length × 6
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length
Side area of cylinder = circumference of bottom circle × height
Surface area of cylinder = area of upper and lower bottom surface + side area
Volume of cylinder = bottom area × height
The volume of the cone = the area of the bottom × the height △ 3
Cuboid (cube, cylinder)
Volume = bottom area × height
Plane figure
Nomenclature perimeter C and area s
Square a - side length C = 4A
Rectangle A and B - side length C = 2 (a + b)
Triangle a, B, C - trilateral length
The height of H-A edge
S - half the circumference
A. B, C - internal angle
Where s = (a + B + C) / 2 s = ah / 2
Quadrilateral D, d-diagonal length
α - diagonal angle s = DD / 2 · sin α
A, B-side length of parallelogram
The height of H-A edge
α - angle between two sides s = ah
Diamond A-side length
α - angle
D-Long diagonal length
D-short diagonal length s = DD / 2
Trapezoid A and B - length of upper and lower bottom
M-median line length s = (a + b) H / 2
R-radius of circle
D - diameter C = π d = 2 π R
Sector r-sector radius
A-degree of center angle
Arcuate l-arc length
B - chord length
H-vector height
The degree of α - center angle s = R2 / 2 · (π α / 180 sin α)
=r2arccos[(r-h)/r] - (r-h)(2rh-h2)1/2
=παr2/360 - b/2·[r2-(b/2)2]1/2
=r(l-b)/2 + bh/2
Ring R - radius of outer circle
R - radius of inner circle
D-diameter of outer circle
D-inner diameter s = π (r2-r2)
D-major axis of ellipse
D-Minor axis s = π DD / 4
Cubic figure
Nomenclature area s and volume V
Cube A-side length s = 6A2
Cuboid a-length
C-high s = 2 (AB + AC + BC)
Prism S-Base area
H-high v = sh
S-Base area of pyramid
H-high v = SH / 3
S1 and S2 - area of upper and lower base
H-high v = h [S1 + S2 + (s1s1) 1 / 2] / 3
Pseudo cylinder S1 - area of upper and bottom
S2 - bottom area
S0 - middle section area
H-high v = H (S1 + S2 + 4s0) / 6
R-base radius of cylinder
C-perimeter of bottom surface
S bottom - bottom area
S-side area
S surface - surface area C = 2 π R
S base = π R2
S side = Ch
S table = ch + 2S bottom
V = s, H
R-radius of hollow cylinder
R - radius of inner circle
H-high v = π H (r2-r2)
R-base radius of straight cone
H-high v = π r2h / 3
R - radius of the top and bottom of the cone
R - bottom radius
H-high v = π H (R2 + RR + R2) / 3
R-radius of sphere
D - diameter v = 4 / 3 π R3 = π D2 / 6
Ball deficiency H - ball deficiency height
R-radius of sphere
A-radius of the ball base v = π H (3a2 + H2) / 6
R1 and R2 - the radius of the top and bottom of the table
H-high v = π h [3 (R12 + R22) + H2] / 6
Torus R - radius of torus
D-ring diameter
R-ring section radius
D-ring section diameter v = 2 π 2r2
Barrel D - belly diameter
D - bottom diameter
H - barrel height v = π H (2d2 + D2) / 12
(the generatrix is circular and the center of the circle is the center of the barrel)
(the generatrix is parabolic)