Please write the following changes in the text expression 1. A dark red powder burns in oxygen and produces a lot of white smoke 2. A light yellow powder burns in the air and gives off a weak light blue flame 3. A silvery white metal burns in oxygen 4. A kind of black powder burns violently in oxygen and emits white light. The colorless gas generated can make clear lime water turbid

Please write the following changes in the text expression 1. A dark red powder burns in oxygen and produces a lot of white smoke 2. A light yellow powder burns in the air and gives off a weak light blue flame 3. A silvery white metal burns in oxygen 4. A kind of black powder burns violently in oxygen and emits white light. The colorless gas generated can make clear lime water turbid

Phosphorus + oxygen = phosphorus pentoxide
Sulfur + oxygen = sulfur dioxide
Iron + oxygen = Fe3O4
Carbon + oxygen = carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide + calcium hydroxide = calcium carbonate + water