The diameter of the bottom of a circular fountain is 8 meters. How many cubic meters of circular concrete are built along the periphery of the fountain, which is 1 meter wide and 20 cm thick? Urgent, as the title

The diameter of the bottom of a circular fountain is 8 meters. How many cubic meters of circular concrete are built along the periphery of the fountain, which is 1 meter wide and 20 cm thick? Urgent, as the title

The diameter of the pool is 8m
The width of the peripheral road is 1m, X2 = the diameter of the peripheral road is 10m
Area of road - area of pool x thickness 0.2m = concrete consumption of Ring Road (5.652m & sup3;)
3.14x5 & sup2; - 3.14x4 & sup2; = 78.5-50.24 = 28.26x0.2 = 5.652m & sup3;