A bottle with a mass of 0.24g measured by a balance, the total mass when it is filled with water is 1.44kg, and the total mass when it is filled with oil is 1.0kg,

A bottle with a mass of 0.24g measured by a balance, the total mass when it is filled with water is 1.44kg, and the total mass when it is filled with oil is 1.0kg,

V = V water = m water / ρ water = (1.44kg-0.24kg) / (1.0 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179;) = 0.0012m & # 179;
V oil = v = 0.0012m & # 179;
ρ oil = m oil / V oil = (1.0kg-0.24kg) / 0.0012m & # 179; = 0.63 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179;