Ask welding cone funnel data, how to draw fan! The diameter of the lower hole is 50 cm, the diameter of the upper hole is 140 cm, and the height is 40 cm

Ask welding cone funnel data, how to draw fan! The diameter of the lower hole is 50 cm, the diameter of the upper hole is 140 cm, and the height is 40 cm

Let the height of the cone where the cone funnel is located be x common, then (x-40): x = 50:140, the solution is x = 560 / 9 ≈ 62.23 cm, then the generatrix of the cone is L = √ (X & # 178; + 70 & # 178;) ≈ 93.66, so that a circle can be drawn, and then 140 * π / (93.66 * 2 π) = 3 / 4 is used to calculate the center angle occupied by the sector